

Seasonal changes

Reducing seasonal stress

The visible signs of autumn are becoming more evident, with beautiful hanging mists and the smell of the cooling earth and fallen leaves. It’s at this time of year that the duvet can feel more difficult to leave behind and ...

Rules of Engagement

There are many everyday factors that impact humans in the workplace and because they are everyday habits they increase stress and anxiety levels gradually over a long period of time. This gradual increase often goes unnoticed simply because we become ...

Goodbye brain frazzling tech

During our research over the past few months we’ve seen some interesting articles about workplace stress and the part that technology has to play in it.  Apparently, in research carried out across the UK, US, France and Germany, nine out ...

Ready to go free range at work?

Did you know that 90% of our time is spent indoors? That’s 21.6 hours out of 24, cooped up under artificial light, often in a controlled work environment. Is it time to go free range at work? There’s something disturbingly ...
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