Hygge (pronounced hu’ga) is everywhere, on trend and super fashionable. If you’ve not heard of it yet perhaps you’ve been hibernating and so just for you, here’s what all the fuss has been about.
We didn’t just consider our home environment, we considered our work spaces too because we believe that work and life are inextricably linked. We didn’t need research stats or a concept, we just simply knew that we felt better.
Long before we heard the term we instinctively prepared for winter, making our home not just cosy, we took time to consider how our space was lit, the ambience and brought elements from nature inside.
We didn’t just consider our home environment, we considered our work spaces too because we believe that work and life are inextricably linked.
So we weren’t at all surprised that a recent study from Brigham Young University concluded that it’s not just those diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder that experience problems with mental and emotional health over the winter. It seems that most of us are negatively impacted by the reduction in day light hours.
With this in mind it makes perfect sense to embrace some kind of traditional preparation and personal practices for winter, this might be hygge or perhaps, quite simply, creating spaces that hug.
Five Fusion Spaces top tips for improving your spaces for winter…
1. If you work from home position your desk by a window. If you want to add the benefits of vitamin D production wrap up warm on a sunny day and work outside for short spells. Allow your hands, face and your eyes to be exposed to short bursts of natural light.
2. Do you love firelight and chemical free candles over the winter? We do, and their lovely amber glow in the evening works beautifully with our circadian rhythm. Imagine, lighting your candles and fire naturally evoke the hormones of rest and relaxation.
3. Warm not white LED’s twinkling in the corner brighten an otherwise dull and lifeless space. They bring a sense of comfort that feels similar to fire. Continue to light up your space in this way, even after the tree comes down on twelfth night.
4. If you use your technology in the evening use something like night shift or the equivalent for your devices. Have a cut-off point and a curfew. You’ll feel more connected in your relationships and importantly less connected to your tech.
5. We couldn’t write about spaces improving our mood over the winter months without mentioning the all-important greatoutdoors. It’s not just about cosy indoor spaces, it’s also about the absolute benefits of walking in the outdoors. Nature, fresh air and simple movement in winter can really comfort and support both your physical and mental fitness.
Interested in light and your wellbeing? You can find out more here.
Enjoy your spaces this winter.