Take a deep breath of fresh air and exhale evenly and slowly to enjoy the stress reducing benefits. Ah that’s better.
Now was that air really fresh?
The answer is no, it’s probably full of things that you’d rather not know about. These dangerous pollutants can’t be seen and you can’t even smell them, meaning they are often ‘out of sight and out of mind’ when it comes to the design of a space. In fact, we are far more likely to react to unpleasant smells, which we mask with dangerous chemical sprays that we call air fresheners. In reality they do anything but create fresh air.
At Fusion Spaces we’ve made some great discoveries to help us improve air quality and we really like the idea of using plants because they improve wellbeing to boot.
We often admire the beauty of nature and the green around us, but we don’t always consider what it’s doing to support our lives.
We often admire the beauty of nature and the green around us, but we don’t always consider what it’s doing to support our lives. So, when you next inhale and exhale just imagine how cleaner and purer air could be benefiting you and everyone around you.
Just because you can’t see pollution, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
We’d love to start a discussion about purer air.