Sitting verses standing


At Fusion Spaces we’ve been researching work space wellbeing and watched with interest the ongoing debate about too much sitting and its impact on our health.

Research shows that our health is at risk from sitting for long periods and being inactive.

Some stats from the NHS to make you stand up and listen:

  • 112% increase in risk of diabetes
  • 147% increase in cardiovascular events
  • 90% increase in death caused by cardiovascular events
  • 49% increase in death from any cause.

Shocking figures but what about long periods of standing? Well that also has health implications:

  • Pooling of blood in the feet
  • Increased back pain
  • Varicose veins
  • Increased risk of hardening of the arteries.

Increased risk of hardening of the arteries.

Now it seems we’ve perhaps had a knee jerk reaction and gone from too much sitting to too much focus on standing, and pretty obviously we might say it’s all about moving.

Very simply human beings need to use their bodies in a range of natural movements that they were designed for.

Very simply human beings need to use their bodies in a range of natural movements that they were designed for. So, we need to sit, stand and move. Walking is the most natural form of exercise and we love it!

Some tasks are best performed sitting and some standing, just take regular, 30-60 minute, breaks to stand and move.

It’s easy to get movement into your day, it’s about breaking old habits and cultures and by making long sedentary meetings a thing of the past perhaps?

Want to know more? Take a look here and join the conversation on Twitter. #SitLess #MoveMore

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Jayne Cox

Having spent 25 years providing eating disorder therapy, trauma and neuroscience informed stress and anxiety coaching, co-founding Fusion Spaces was a natural progression for me. Alongside my wellness consultancy and advisory role here at Fusion Spaces, I bring my lived experience of trauma and run my private practice Breathing Space, coaching clients and delivering a non invasive sound therapy, based upon the Polyvagal Theory, the Safe and Sound Protocol. I feel grateful we are both well and living our best life near the stunningly beautiful Northumberland Coast. I am proud to lead Fusion Spaces wellness consultancy into the future as we push the boundaries of what is possible using technology for good, future gaze and provide thought leadership.

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