We are delighted to announce our partnership with Sharp NEC Display Solutions and our joint focus is on improving the wellbeing of the home worker.
As our day to day lives continue to be challenged it’s quite clear that home working is here to stay, even if we see a more hybrid style of working in the future. So, with this in mind we felt it was no longer acceptable to look at this as temporary and expect employees to work in discomfort and distress.
We have responded to this situation and the future of work by creating the first home working assessment method, WorkFreeTM.
Kenneth Freeman Workplace Wellbeing Consultant – Fusion Spaces says: “Unusually, the tool requires that employers’ and employees’ assessments of remote working situations align – the experience of the employee is most important. Employers can’t just ‘mark their own homework’.”
We understand that it is particularly hard living through the uncertainties of a pandemic and approaching the long dark and cold winter months.
You can discover more about being winter ready and WorkFree in our blog post with Sharp NEC.