
WorkFree by Fusion Spaces

Fusion Spaces join forces with Sharp NEC Display Solutions

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Sharp NEC Display Solutions and our joint focus is on improving the wellbeing of the home worker. As our day to day lives continue to be challenged it’s quite clear that home ...

The long night’s moon 

In Mark's final blog of the series he looks at the moon during the winter and some well known stars. In the late autumn and winter months the full moon spends the longest time at night above the horizon than ...

The wanderers

In Mark's third stargazing blog he considers the wandering planets. In contrast to needing patience watching shooting stars, which appear and disappear at random, in the blink of an eye, observing planets is the complete opposite. Most are bright and ...

Exploding ‘stars’  

Our second stargazing blog investigates exploding stars. Meteor showers are named after the constellation in the patch of sky that they appear to radiate from. If you draw a line back from where you see them they will all appear ...

Nights out under the stars

The night sky provided a welcome distraction while we were all experiencing isolation and the frustration of being in lockdown. Coinciding with a long lasting spell of unusual, pollution free, clear nights, it gave us all an opportunity to expand ...
WorkFree assessment

The new WorkFree™ assessment method

In our fourth and final blog in the WorkFreeTM series, Kenneth Freeman takes a look at the WorkFreeTM assessment method. Why do we feel there is need for our new assessment method, WorkFreeTM? Many organisations sign up to wellbeing and sustainability standards, ...
Home working and parenting

The problems with homeworking

In our third blog in the WorkFreeTM series, Kenneth Freeman takes a look at the downside of homeworking. Homeworking also enables people to avoid some of the worst aspects of office life. These can be both organisational (e.g. poor management ...
The benefits of home working

The positives of home working

In our second blog in the WorkFreeTM series Kenneth Freeman explores why months of home working has brought a variety of benefits to employees. When lockdown started, millions of office workers were forced to adapt to a new way of ...

Away from the office: how to create new working environments that are happy, healthy and effective

There is a strong relationship between wellbeing at work, job satisfaction and performance. As the world of work evolves at a rapid pace, it has never been more important to ensure that home-based office workers are able to work in ...
Sunlight providing A, B and C rays

Shining a light on infection

At Fusion Spaces we are always actively seeking new Fusionaries who have innovative technology and solutions that will support the wellbeing of humans. With the global pandemic we have an unprecedented amount of problems to solve so we’ve invited Jim ...
Mark Payne-Gill filming tadpoles

Lockdown wildlife under a lens

As a wildlife cameraman, there’s no escaping it requires a lot of travelling, searching for exotic and unusual animal stories to film, for the most iconic wildlife TV series. These include Attenborough’s Life of Birds, Life of Mammals, Blue Planet, ...
Healthy diet healthy mind

That gut feeling

Your gut is an amazingly complex world, which is so much more than simply a place for digestion. Housing 70% of our immune system, the gut hosts a high-level network of cells known as our gut-associated lymphoid tissue. It makes ...
Remote working

Many healthy returns

The workplace is no-longer the traditional office for many. Organisations are challenged by the need to embrace new ways of physically working: planning space, maintaining higher standards of hygiene, enabling teams to work effectively together and recognising that home working ...
Wild flower

Gardening for wildlife

Pandemics, climate change and the ecological crisis dominate the headlines. Most would agree that the time has come to do something about it. But where do we start? While patiently waiting for robust policymaking, there are plenty of opportunities to ...
Lunar cycles influencing human animals

How does the moon influence us?

As we take tentative steps towards our new normal lives during the easing of lockdown measures many of us are taking lessons from this challenging experience. It’s a time of taking stock and giving greater thought to how we’ll live ...
Gardening is good for your wellbeing

Grow your sense of wellbeing during Growing for Wellbeing Week

This week (1 – 7 June) is Growing for Wellbeing Week. The week highlights the huge benefits that gardening and growing your own can have for your mental health and wellbeing. Benefits of being at one with nature Gardening or ...
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