
Five freedoms for the human animal

At Fusion Spaces we believe that there are ‘five freedoms’ which all humans need in their workplace in order to thrive. In some respects, our wellbeing needs are not too dissimilar to the welfare requirements of battery hens. Animal welfare ...

Make the most of your commute

It’s September, we are all back to school and work, the days are getting shorter and so are our fuses. Getting the most out of each day can be difficult, so why not make a bit more use of your ...

Creating mindful connections with mindful moving

With our ability to maintain digital connection on the move, it’s given us both the freedom to work anywhere and created the problem of being so connected we are missing out on the bonds of our meaningful relationships. As we ...

Meeting room to chill-out room

In the midst of a busy, stressful day, wouldn’t it be lovely to go somewhere to get out of the way and just stop and relax for a few moments? In a lot of work environments that simply isn’t possible ...
Neurodiversity in the workplace

Designing for neurodiversity in the workplace

The term neurodiversity has been around since the 1990’s but it is coming much more to the fore these days. It is not just a buzzword, but a real aspect of many people’s lives, and employers need to be aware ...
Is it time to disconnect? Discover the pros and cons of digital wellbeing

Time to disconnect?

There has been a lot of noise around digital wellbeing recently. Everyone is asking how much do you use your phone? How long are kids playing on tablets for? Is it bad for us? So, in this blog I’m going ...

Next steps for biophilia: Follow the patterns and rhythms of nature

The positive impact of natural elements in the workplace has been well-documented. Reduced stress, reduced blood pressure and lower heart rates, coupled with increased productivity, creativity and self-reported wellbeing are all top of the list benefits of introducing biophilia into ...
Introducing biophilia into the workplace

Biophilia as a sensory experience: 6 simple ways to introduce biophilia into your workplace

Despite our natural affinity with the natural world, we now spend around 90% of our time indoors. Moreover, a study of 1,000 UK office workers found that almost 40% spend a maximum of just 15 minutes outside every day. Connecting ...
Stave off nature deficit disorder and boost office wellbeing

Five tech tips to stave off nature deficit disorder and boost office wellbeing

Nature deficit disorder may not be a term you are familiar with, but it really should be on your radar as it can have a detrimental impact on emotional, mental and physical health. British people will spend an average of ...
Technology to improve employee wellbeing at work

Four really simple ways to boost employee wellbeing at work through technology

If you knew at 18 that you were likely to spend 92,000 hours of your life in an office, or say about a third of your total waking hours over your adult working lifetime, what sort of office environment would ...
Meet May the Bantum Hen at Clerkenwell Design Week

Going free range at Clerkenwell Design Week

We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with one of our Fusionaries, Frem Group at Clerkenwell Design Week, the UK’s leading independent design festival. On Wednesday 22 May, I will be offering talks focusing on how offices ...
Walking for your mental health

Walking for your mental health

This week (13-19 May) is Mental Health Awareness Week. There are many methods that we as humans can use to better our state of mind. Walking for your mental health is one of my favourite things to do, and it’s ...

Rules of Engagement

There are many everyday factors that impact humans in the workplace and because they are everyday habits they increase stress and anxiety levels gradually over a long period of time. This gradual increase often goes unnoticed simply because we become ...

Goodbye brain frazzling tech

During our research over the past few months we’ve seen some interesting articles about workplace stress and the part that technology has to play in it.  Apparently, in research carried out across the UK, US, France and Germany, nine out ...

Ready to go free range at work?

Did you know that 90% of our time is spent indoors? That’s 21.6 hours out of 24, cooped up under artificial light, often in a controlled work environment. Is it time to go free range at work? There’s something disturbingly ...

Finding your giraffes within the wonderful world of networking

Did you know that sheep and giraffes are both a species of Artiodactyla, cloven hoofed mammals and herbivores? But much more than that, the 'giraffes' in my world are visionaries and see opportunities. Often self-motivated they’ll have ideas and can ...
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